Monday, July 19, 2010

First Assignment

Okay, let's dive in.....
Here is a link to another teacher's blog with a post that relates the scientific method to a Super Mario brothers game..... Please watch the video and read the teacher's response to it.

We have talked about the scientific method throughout the last few days. You have completed an activity involving paper helicopters and we discussed how the scientific method was considered when setting up and completing this lab.

Now, I want your opinion, is Mr. Wildeboer's connection a stretch? Why or why not? Can you think of any other daily activities that you can breakdown into components of the scientific method?
Please write your response in the comment section below. You are welcome to respond not only to my initial question, but to your classmates responses as well.

How you will use this blog.

First off, welcome to 8th grade and IPS. We have an awesome year of science ahead of get excited! This blog will be a big part of class this year. I will rely on it constantly (and so will you!) You are responsible for staying up to date with blog posts. Many times homework from the school website will be elaborated on here. Sometimes you will even have to answer homework questions directly on this blog. Other times I will ask you to comment on articles, videos, current event topics, or even classmates' reflections. Remember, comments are public; please be respectful with what you say (a good rule of thumb: if you wouldn't say something in front of me, it's not appropriate to post on the blog!)
Questions? Add them to the comment section and I will respond as soon as I can.